Monday 18 February, 2008


Anahata is the unstruck sound, the sound before the beat.

It is the having, within the silence, the potential of that sound.
The possibility of that as yet dormant power.

I aspire to that potential. I am the possibility of being more than I can envision, for my vision is limited by what I can grasp. And I grasp less than I can understand.

At the moment I have reached a threshold. I make a small tinny sound inside of me as if I were a mere glass bead inside an earthen pot. Whereas what I want is that I resonate with fullness. That I rumble and roar inside of me with a full bodied, rich, luxurious sound of me.

I aspire for that moment in time when I could swell to bursting, tautend to a point where I could simply snap or instead become the sound of a thousand celestial notes.

Here is Kabir, the master, and he puts it so well……..

Within this earthen vessel are bowers and groves, and within it is the Creator:
Within this vessel are the seven oceans and the unnumbered stars.
The touchstone and the jewel-appraiser are within;